Caledonia Kitchens In-Frame
Customer Projects A selection of real customer kitchens using our high-end, bespoke and lovingly crafted in-frame kitchen offer.

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Caledonia In-Frame Deveron smooth Painted Smoke Green and Drop Cloth

Conival In-frame Painted Cloudy Dawn & Summer Sky

Conival In-frame Painted Fired Charcoal

Conival Painted Chalk Cliffs & Pitch Blue

In-Frame Conival Smooth Painted Hardwick White

In-Frame Mull Smooth Painted Light Grey

In-Frame Skye Smooth Painted Elgin Grey and Fired Charcoal

In-Frame Stroma Ash Painted Cashmere

Inframe Stroma Ash Painted Charbone and Slate V

Jura Painted Hick’s Blue

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